




Fr. 19.04.19, 21:30 Uhr

“Vegir” - “roads” in Icelandic - is everything the title implies. One studiosession with four musicians proved to be the golden ticket to tackle Dominique Vantomme’s musical sketches, written during his nomadic adventures in the United States and Asia. A trip where jazz, progrock and improvisation lead the way. “Vegir”, released on New York label MoonJune Records, thumbs its nose at convention and showcases these seasoned veteran musicians at the top of their game: with the skill set, bravery and chutzpah to follow their instincts and, in the process, allow the music to seek out and ultimately capture its own form. Avant-garde and experimental electronics mixed with a pinch of absurdism (thanks to titles such as “Playing chess with Barney Rubble” and “The self-licking ice cream cone”) are the perfect ingredients for a live experience you won’t soon forget.
"Vegir" It slinks; it growls; it stalks; it devours! It grooves; it stutters; it holds you in sus-pense, then explodes!

Dominique Vantomme - Piano/rhodes/keys
Jasper Morel - Electric guitar
Mirko Banovic - Electric bass
Maxime Lenssens - Drums


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